The research network for graduate students in economics - DGPE - is a collaboration between the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School, Aalborg University and University of Southern Denmark.

DGPE offers courses and workshops for PhD students.

PhD courses

The focus area of DGPE is to offer specialized PhD courses in economics. Courses will typically last between 2 and 5 full days, and it is the intention that courses should regularly be available on all five campuses. The lecturers will be international experts within the respective course topics.

Annual workshop

An annual two-day workshop is arranged in November, and all graduate students in economics are expected to participate together with supervisors and other faculty members from the participating university departments. At this workshop PhD students get the opportunity to present their work and get feedback from fellow PhD students and faculty. PhD students who have just begun their graduate studies are not expected to present a paper but will act as discussants. This workshop also provides an excellent opportunity to meet with fellow PhD students and faculty from other institutions.


DGPE will support graduate courses by paying for remuneration, travel and accommodation expenses for the course presenter, for lunch, tea and coffee throughout the course for all course participants and one dinner for all participants. Travel and accommodation expenses for participants are expected to be covered by their own departments. For the annual workshop accommodation and meals are covered for all participants. For participants from other institutions there will be a fee for attending the specialized courses. The standard fee is set to 100 € per day.


DGPE is managed by a committee consisting of one person from each of the five participating programmes (typically the PhD programme director).

Currently the DGPE committee consists of:

The committee selects a head of the programme, and the administration of the programme is placed at this department. Currently, Professor Eric Hillebrand, Aarhus University, is head of the programme.

The course programme is decided by the committee. Suggestions to new courses should be made to the head of the programme, who consults the committee for deciding the plan for each semester. Course suggestions should be accompanied by a budget, which must be accepted by the head of the programme before the course can be scheduled.


Currently, the administrative support is undertaken by: